Publicity Officer’s Report

Yet another great weekend for fishing, this May Comp was a Pairs Comp. Plenty of pairs fished, for some great catches and some no catches.

The seas rose to the occasion and kept all boats to the river with not much success there. Some great efforts from good fisherpeople had Bel get biggest fish for the comp, a 2.828kgs Salmon only to have Mitch drowning his pride along with the rest of us in a McGuiness.

Mitch Cronin had enough of fishing the beach Sunday morning for zilch and decided to head out to Big Rock and picked up a handful of fish in the swell. Locally caught were Drummer, Tailor, Salmon, Bream, Mullet, Flathead and Longtom.

Rob “walk a mile” Mace pick up biggest bag pipping Mitch Cronin at the post, a bit of tit and tat between these two in a tight battle to the title. “Walk a mile” asked if I wanted to take some Salmon home, sure I said. On arriving at Boat Harbour after the weigh in to fillet the fish, some tourist of East Asia origin offered to buy the fish. Let me tell ya that carton of beer tasted real good thanks Rob.

It was great to see the juniors fishing with Owen and Mitch doing it tough but managed to win the Pairs Sub-Junior section. Congrats to “Walk a mile” Mace and Darren on winning the Pairs Comp. A great turn out from all.

A quick poem to friends

After days on end, wetting the line
At the hut, chattin to the crew
As we all waited, for that final deadline
Deciding to grab another brew

As the clock struck “2″
“Weighmaster”, “Weighmaster”, they cried

It was then, I jumped upon the table
To end this most terrible fable
“Alas, my friends, there is a master”
He’s up on the Gold Coast, absolutely plastered

“The Pringa”